Extended insight into personnel risk management

For investors, owners, WSCs and insurance and occupational pension companies

Benefits Insights enables intelligent decision-making, underwriting and benchmarking for investors, insurance companies, pension companies, owners and governments by measuring the risk and return potential of employees.

We will hear more about your needs!


Identifying employee risks and developing employee productivity

Snapshot, comparisons and development

Employee Risk -matrix

You identify potential risks and areas for development. With the help of information, you target services, support and set requirements to systematically increase shareholder value in terms of personnel productivity.

Alternative data

Wit our data, You notice trends, developments and situations. Exposures, professional skills, absences, leaveability give valuable additional information about the situation. Based on them, comparisons can be made in relation to reference values, better underwriting and goals can be set.

Developing risk tolerance

You support the development of your business by helping to increase the productivity of customers' personnel with the help of your own and partners' services by developing occupational health cooperation. The development and results only take hours of your customer's time without heavy consulting.

Identifying employee risks and developing employee productivity

Profitability and risk management with better information

+100 Occupational Health and Safety, Commitment, Productivity data points for Decision makers to Develop Risks and Potentials.